Blog | Bushi Ban Martial Arts

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  • How Martial Arts Creates Success in School Age Children

    How Martial Arts Creates Success in School Age Children

    Martial arts creates success in school-age children by teaching them life skills. They are challenged in the right ways. This month it’s all about setting and achieving goals at Bushi Ban. Each belt color represents an accomplished challenge. Here is what is behind the color of a belt. In this article we will learn more about how Bushi Ban reinforces the best in our students. Leadership Martial arts students make good leaders. They always pass on their knowledge and support to peers. Being a leader does not mean restricting others and telling them what to do. It’s quite the opposite. In daily life, this means being there for the people around ....

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  • 5 Major Benefits of Martial Arts for Differently-Abled Children

    Key Learning Points: Martial arts focuses on the body and the mind equally It helps all children learn respect, self-control, and focus. The feeling your child gets from training is more important than the type and technique of martial arts they are performing. Between school and homework, kids spend the majority of their day sitting at a desk for studies. That’s why extracurricular activities that allow them to release their energy are important. But kids who learn and think differently can have a hard time finding that extracurricular activity that suits them. Here is why martial arts may be a good fit for your differently-abled child and how it ....

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  • The Nine Principles of Black Belt Excellence at Bushi Ban

    Everyone wants to achieve Black Belt status, but do you really know what it takes to be a Bushi Ban Black Belt? We have created our Nine Principles of Black Belt Excellence to guide our students on the journey. These are our core values, instilled in everything we do as we learn physical excellence. Honor Honor is one of the most important values of martial arts because it speaks directly to an individual’s core morality. To conduct yourself with honor means to strive to live your life giving your absolute best in all aspects of honoring yourself and others with respect. Honesty Martial arts reinforces the value of honesty with others and honesty with ....

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  • Build a Life Champion with Bushi Ban Martial Arts and Fitness

    Build a Life Champion with Bushi Ban Martial Arts and Fitness

    Build a Life Champion with Bushi Ban Martial Arts and Fitness Martial Arts Lessons at Bushi Ban - A Life Changer Looking for an after-school activity to keep your child engaged, healthy, and socialized? Martial arts at Bushi Ban is the perfect place for your child. We offer an outstanding program of discipline, confidence, and leadership skills, building the champions of tomorrow. Any Skill Level Can Join Bushi Ban offers a community that treats all participants equally whether new or experienced. We welcome new students moving into the area. If your child has prior experience, Bushi Ban honors their training and places them in a camo belt. A Camo belt means that ....

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  • Reopening Announcement and Guidelines

    We are excited to announce our reopening coming very soon on May 18th! We will be allowed to reopen our doors to our students and resume our normal class schedule but with several exceptions and precautions at first. Firstly, we will be allowed to operate at 25% of our maximum occupancy, so our classes will have to be a little smaller for a short time in order to keep everyone as safe as possible. Bushi Ban will follow strict guidelines in order to keep everyone safe and healthy moving forward. Students will have to keep a minimum distance of 6 feet or more during all activities. We will also be implementing strict guidelines for admittance. We request that all students and parents ....

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  • Top 10 Health Benefits of Martial Arts

    Top 10 Health Benefits of Martial Arts

    There have been several benefits when it comes to training martial arts, which can be mental, physical and spiritual in nature. When it comes to physical improvements, the improvement in both your mental and spiritual soul, martial arts makes people reach the highest level with respect to their potential. There are a lot of martial arts benefits and it helps you get the desired shape in your life real quick. Martial arts is one of the most effective workout available. Many of the physicians believe that it is an incredible health choice and will always recommend you to train martial arts so that their lives can become better and healthier. To get into your dream body and ....

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  • The Importance of Training the Core for Adults and Teens

    One of the most important muscle groups or areas of the body to train is the core or as describes it, “your midsection and it involves all your muscles in that area including the front, back and sides. The core includes the traverse abdominis (TVA), erector spinae, obliques and your lower lats.” Essentially mean, the center and “core” of your body. Onnit describes the need for a strong core in martial arts as, “Understand [the core’s] importance in increasing explosive power, improving overall strength, maximizing mobility, reducing stress on the body, and minimizing your injuries.” Having a strong and stable core ....

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  • Why is Martial Arts the Best Workout For Kids?

    Martial arts is a workout that combines mental and physical concentration to achieve results. Today our kids are spending less time running around outdoors and more time inside with their attention solely on the television, phones, and video games. Martial arts allows your children to physically engage and mentally focus on their instructor, form, and classmates. Here’s why martial arts is the best workout for your children to begin! Safe Practice: Parents always have the same #1 concern when it comes to activities that their children are involved in - safety. In martial arts classes, your child will safely be taught different techniques that they will practice on their ....

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  • Personal Hygiene and Cleanliness in Martial Arts Training

    Cleanliness and personal hygiene are an often overlooked aspect in martial arts. Not only is proper hygiene a reflection of your dedication to training and the respect of your school but, it is also important for your personal health and the health of your training partners. These tips are important for both pre and post workout! Having proper personal hygiene is crucial because it not only teaches discipline, it also affects your health and those around you. In the martial arts, you are constantly in close proximity to other training partners and teachers. You are coming into physical contact during training, so having bad hygiene includes unwashed clothing or gear and not taking ....

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  • On-The-Go Pre-Workout Snacks to Make in Advance of Martial Arts Class

    Between martial arts classes, school, work, family time and more you and your kids are constantly on the go. It can be hard to fuel up before class if you don’t have the time to stop at home and cook up something nutritious! With these healthyhacksyou can pre-prepare snacks so that they are ready to transport and eat in the car on the way to class! No more growling bellies in this dojo! Nut Butter Boats: Fill celery pieces with nut butter, or no-nut butter such assunbutter(if you have an allergy) and top with almonds, cacao nibs or raisins. Transport these in atupperware, or in a wax paper bag. Trail Mix: Make your own trail mix! You can choose what your family likes best ....

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