Contact Bushi Ban Martial Arts
in Friendswood today!
1625 Friendswood Lakes Blvd,
Friendswood, Texas 77546 - 281-482-8000
Hours of operation
Normal Hours of Operation: 12pm-7pm M-F; Office 1pm-6pm
Summer Hours: 7am-8pm M-Th, 7am-6pm Fri
Located just off of FM-528 on Friendswood Lakes Blvd., 2 miles Southwest of South Friendswood Dr. across the street from the Goddard School of Friendswood.
Parking is plentiful with multiple handicap only spaces available as well as wheelchair accessibility.

About our Friendswood Location
Bushi Ban Friendswood is a beautiful state-of-the-art facility offering an expansive matted training area fully stocked with necessary Martial Arts and fitness equipment for any activity. Our facility also offers a dedicated room for child development and education, a private luxury conference room, a pro-shop supplying all necessary Martial Arts equipment and uniforms, as well as locker rooms and multiple restroom facilities.
Senior Master Hassan Saiyid – 7th Dan Black Belt. Head Instructor.
Sensei Kim Hartman – Black Belt. Director. Youth.
Tyler Autry – 1st Dan Black Belt. Adult/Youth After School
Selenia Blancher – After School Instructor.