Contact Bushi Ban Martial Arts
in Southbury today!
- 1257 Southford Road,
Southbury, Connecticut 06488 - 1-800-868-8859
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About our Southbury Location
Bushi Ban Southbury was founded in 2010 by Senior Master Hassan Saiyid and Master John Lombardo. Bushi Ban Southbury was the second Bushi Ban location to open in Connecticut and from day one it set out to expand the influence of Bushi Ban and provide individuals with the training to build superior fitness, focus, and confidence to become solid well-rounded citizens. Over the years Bushi Ban Southbury has graduated over 50 students to Black Belt. Bushi Ban Southbury students have not only excelled in the Martial Arts, but they have also achieved great successes in sports, academics and performing arts. Bushi Ban Southbury is a strong, solid, and respected member of the local community.
Team Members – Bushi Ban Seymour & Bushi Ban Southbury
Master John Lombardo
Master Lombardo is the owner and director of Bushi Ban Seymour in Connecticut. He is a 5th Dan Black Belt in the Bushi Ban Martial Arts System. John also has earned a Brown Belt in Isshin-Ryu Karate and Shotokan Karate, a Brown Belt in Ninpo Taijitsu (Bujikan Dojo), and a Green Belt in Yamanni-Ryu Kobudo. He is an instructor with the United States Chanbarra Association and an MMA Level One Coach with Burn with Kearns and a Level One Judo Instructor under Master Jimmy Pedro. Master Lombardo began studying Martial Arts at the age of 12 and has spent 18 years training in the Bushi Ban System.His awards include Bushi Ban International: Black Belt of the Year in 2012; Master title in 2022. Masters Hall of Fame: Outstanding Contribution Inductee in 2012. American Martial Arts Alliance (AMAA): Legends Award in 2019; Ambassador Award in 2020, Alumni Inductee in 2021 & 2022.
Master Lombardo is a veteran of the United states Airforce, having achieved the rank of Senior Airman (E4). He was on active duty from 1984-1988.
Master Lombardo attended Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) as well as New York University (NYU) School of Continuing Education.
Master is originally from Bayside, New York and currently resides in Seymour, Connecticut.
Sensei Vincent Lombardo
Vincent Lombardo is a 3rd Dan Black Belt, Sensei in the Bushi Ban Martial Arts System and is the Head Instructor at Bushi Ban Southbury. He also holds a Blue Belt in Yamanni Ryu Kobudo and is a 2nd Stripe Purple Belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. He is a Level One Judo Instructor under Master Jimmy Pedro. . Vincent began practicing Martial Arts at the age of 5 and has spent 18 years in the Bushi Ban System.He attended Connecticut State Colleges and Universities (CSCU) majoring in Exercise Sciences. He was the recipient of the Bushi Ban Connecticut 9 Principles Award in 2015.
He currently resides in his hometown of Seymour, Conn.
Sensei Jarod Teixeira
Jarod is a 3rd Dan Black Belt, Sensei in the Bushi Ban Martial Arts System and is the Head Instructor at Bushi Ban Seymour. He is also ranked as a Shodan-Ho in Yaminni Ryu Kobudo as well as 3rd Stripe White Belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Jarod began studying Martial Arts at the age of 4 and has spent 18 years in the Bushi Ban System.He attended Connecticut State Colleges and Universities with a major in Business Marketing. He was a recipient of the Bushi Ban Connecticut Nine Principles Award in 2015.
He currently resides in his hometown of Seymour, Conn.