Contact Bushi Ban Martial Arts
in League City today!
103 Davis Rd Suite V,
League City, Texas 77573 - 832-632-1342
Hours of operation
Operating hours during the summer season are Monday thru Friday, 6 AM to 8 PM. Private lessons are conducted on weekend mornings.
We are in the same shopping center as Starbucks and Pizza King. Come I-45, go East on 518 and take a left at the fork to continue on FM 2094. Our location is across the street from Clear Creek Intermediate School. From TX-146, turn on to FM 2094 and go West until you reach Davis Rd. where we are located.

About our League City Location
This location was founded by Sensei Gerzan Chau, Sensei Nash Khan, and Mr. Nico Daily. Bushi Ban League City started as an idea between Sensei Chau and Mr. Daily. They made a plan and started looking at locations. They sought the advice of GrandMaster Zulfi and he brought in Sensei Nash to partner with Sensei Chau and Mr. Daily to open up the school. The location we chose was ideal, but the space lacked many of the necessary components a business, much less a daycare or exercise facility needs to operate. It took six months to build the space out and we eventually opened in August of 2015. Sensei Chau has been and continues to be the director and head instructor of this school. We have had students earn their black belts every year since opening. We started with a few students moving to our location from the Clearlake school and some new students in our area.